The D1 motorway, the longest and oldest Czech motorway, is in its final year of modernisation. First constructed in 1967,...
The amended residential parking system, announced by the council in March this year, is intended to be “simpler and cheaper...
Photo credit: TMA / Brno Daily. Brno, Aug 31 (BD) – From tomorrow, a new system will come into force...
Important works being carried out include repairs to damaged tram lines, upgrades of steam pipelines to hot water pipelines, and...
Regional Councillors Approve Investment Plan For Reconstruction of Dangerous Junction in Brno-Bystrc
The plan will see the current tram-motorway intersection replaced by a level crossing at Kamenolom, with an added roundabout and...
As of December 17th, the road layout has changed on Žabovřeská. Fanderlíkova and the service road used by those driving...
At the end of February, the Office for the Protection of Competition (UOHS) cancelled the tender for the public contract...
The complicated intersection, which serves cars, trams, and trolleybuses as well as pedestrians and cyclists, has been a problematic location...
Vlasta Jagerova. Credit: Zdenka Obalilova, Brno City Municipality. Brno, Oct 10 (BD) – Brno’s seemingly endless roadworks are a common...
Photo credit: CG / Brno Daily. 1. On a sub-zero morning in February, I was driving my kids to preschool and my...
On Monday night, there was a serious incident on Kníničská as a night bus ran off the road, leaving 11...
From today, Hradecká in the north of Brno will be partially closed between Hapalova and the Brno city limits. Traffic...