Amnesty International has criticised the Czech Republic for hate speech and discrimination against Ukrainian refugees, continuing segregation of Roma children...
Young people in the Czech Republic are more tolerant of ethnic and national minorities than they were in 2020, and...
The proportion of Czechs who never follow political events in the media has increased to 20% as of the end...
Those who were seriously affected by this year’s floods will receive extraordinary financial aid from the state for childcare and...
Czech national parks and protected landscape areas are suffering from a long-term lack of forest guards, according to representatives of...
Archaeologists have uncovered the largest Bronze Age burial site of the Nitra culture near Olomouc in Central Moravia, during their...
Beavers have returned to the Czech part of the Krkonose (Giant Mountains) after centuries of absence. Their presence was confirmed...
A large majority of Czechs (70%) agree with the country’s membership of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), according to...
The Czech government has decided to increase this year’s university budget by CZK 1 billion, Education Minister Mikulas Bek (STAN)...
A majority of women in the Czech Republic (58%) have been the target of sexual violence in their lives, and...
Over the past 18 months, Paths of Love (‘Stezky z lásky’), a nationwide volunteer project organised by the Czech Tourist...
Public confidence in the Czech Army has declined for the fourth year in a row, according to a January survey...