Brno played host for the second time to a festival which, although new, has a lot of potential to become...
Daughter, a Czech short film by Daria Kashcheeva, won the Student Academy Award for best animated film from an international...
After its success in Venice, the Czech movie The Painted Bird [“Nabarvené ptáče”], just selected by the Czech Film and...
Fiction, animation, experimental, student, professional and amateur film: all this and more at the oldest film festival in the Czech...
Those of you who love bingeing on serials, hold your Netflix subscriptions, because the “Serial Killer” TV series festival is...
Kino Art (Art Cinema) will open after two years of reconstruction and will celebrate its 100th birthday. Photos by Oliver...
Those of you who love bingeing on serials, hold your Netflix subscriptions, because the “Serial Killer” TV series festival is...
The films will be shown in NoArt and the Brno Planetarium. Title Image: Courtesy of Future Gate. The Future Gate...
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