Marketa Pekarova Adamova. Credit: PSP

Lower House Chair Pekarova Adamova Survives Attempt at Removal

Marketa Pekarova Adamova. Photo credit: Poslanecka Snemovna Parlamentu.

Prague, April 5 (CTK) – An attempt by the opposition parties ANO and Freedom and Direct Democracy (SPD) to dismiss the Czech lower house chair, Marketa Pekarova Adamova (TOP 09), was defeated in a parliamentary vote last night, by 72-97.

Given the balance of power in the Chamber of Deputies, the result of the vote was expected. The proposal to dismiss Pekarova Adamova was backed by 72 opposition deputies, while at least 85 votes were needed. 97 coalition MPs voted against the motion.

Before the vote, the Chamber of Deputies rejected a proposal from Radek Vondracek (ANO) that the vote should be secret.

Alena Schillerova, chair of the ANO parliamentary group, accused Pekarova Adamova of lacking humility in her approach to the Chamber of Deputies, the opposition and the public, although she had spoken about this when she was elected.

“Humility and impartiality were forgotten,” said Schillerova.

She also said that Pekarova Adamova was largely responsible for the often tense atmosphere between the coalition and the opposition.

Pekarova Adamova rejected the criticism and said the reasons given for the move were false. She said that when chairing sessions, she insisted on discipline and observance of the rules by all deputies, without prejudice.

She added that some of her statements had been distorted.

Prime Minister Petr Fiala (ODS) defended her, saying the opposition’s attack was groundless and it only wanted to protest against the coalition government. 

He added that the chair performed perfectly in her post, with an absolutely professional manner, and was a competent politician, representing the parliament and the whole nation well.

“She enjoys my support and that of all parties of our coalition,” Fiala said.

The opposition’s main complaints relate to Pekarova Adamova’s conduct when the Chamber of Deputies was approving the controversial reduction of the June indexation of pensions.

At that time, the opposition resorted to obstructionist strategies. Opposition lawmakers accused Pekarova Adamova of siding with the coalition in some cases.

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