Credit: Casadei Graphics

New Measures Announced by the Czech Government Today

Czech Rep., Mar 26 (BD) – A new set of measures was announced by the Czech government today:

The following services will be permitted from Friday at 6am:

– locksmith services and repairs of household appliances and products

– repair, maintenance and installation of household machinery and equipment

– operation of burial grounds, embalming and preservation, cremation of human remains, including the storage of human remains in urns

– car washes

The government is also preparing new measures to support businesses. 15,000 crowns per month will be paid to self-employed persons “that have de facto closed down their establishments, or we have prevented them from doing business because of measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus,” said Ministry of Finance Alena Schillerova. More details will be released shortly, according to Schillerova.

On Tuesday, the Tax Authority of South Moravian Region announced via Twitter: “Non-Czech-speaking taxpayers can send their questions to Tax Office via”

CZK 4.3 billion will be allocated to the Ministry of Agriculture “to support self-sufficiency in food production and delivery,” said Schillerova.

A new rule was announced by the Ministry of Health yesterday. According to the Ministry’s Twitter feed: “It is necessary to limit social contact between people as far as possible, to avoid the ‘community transmission’ of Covid-19. Therefore, from now, no more that two people can congregate in public places at the same time, with the exception of members of the same household, essential work reasons, or funerals.”

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