A multifunctional sports hall and various outdoor facilities are to be constructed on the Bohunice University Campus. Work on Masaryk University’s multipurpose sports complex is scheduled to start in June, with completion anticipated by 2028. The selection process for a contractor is currently underway, and the project’s estimated cost is CZK 330 million, excluding VAT.
The new sports complex will build on the existing infrastructure of the Faculty of Sports Studies and will include not only a new multifunctional sports hall, but also a sports field for athletics disciplines, a five-a-side football pitch, streetball, a workout area and hygienic and technical facilities. The construction of the building is in line with the Strategic Plan of Masaryk University and the ‘Innovation for a Healthy and Safe Society’ Strategic Development Project, and is a component of the broader strategic development of the Bohunice Campus.

MUNI Rektor Martin Bareš noted that this project rectifies a long-term deficit in this area at Masaryk University, thereby ensuring a quality standard that aligns with contemporary Czech conditions. The Faculty of Sport needs to secure new outdoor sports facilities, following a long-term shortage of space and teaching areas that require specialised equipment.
“The cost of running and reinvesting in sports facilities or renting space is not sustainable. The sports infrastructure, in the form of a new complex, will be used for teaching PE and for other activities promoting a healthy lifestyle, including cooperation with local sports clubs for children and young people,” said Masaryk University Bursar David Póč.
The new sports complex will make a significant contribution to the development of the Faculty of Sports Studies, as, in addition to teaching and educational activities, movement experiments are also carried out on the playgrounds, gyms and exercise halls, collecting data that advances the field of sports sciences and health.

The project will therefore contribute to the faculty and university in several ways, said Jan Cacek, Dean of the Faculty of Sports Studies at Masaryk University.
In addition to the academic and research functions, the complex will serve as a communal space for students from all faculties and university personnel. The next level is the health dimension, as studies consistently demonstrate that regular physical activity enhances cognitive functions, including thinking, memory, and attention, while also playing a pivotal role in the primary prevention of numerous chronic diseases. The final level encompasses the training opportunities that the infrastructure will offer to athletes of all ages.