The City of Brno will begin distributing free menstrual supplies to girls in the city’s primary schools, in response to similar successful programs in the Czech Republic and abroad. The pilot project should start with the new school year 2025/2026, in any school wishing to participate. The plan was agreed by city councillors yesterday, and must now be approved by the city assembly.
Social taboos around menstruation still persist today, which can deepen the negative experiences of girls during teenage years. According to research from recent years, menstruation is perceived by students as unpleasant, undesirable, or something they cannot cope with. According to studies abroad, 10-15% of girls in primary schools may be at risk of menstrual poverty, which causes stress, absence from school and a feeling of exclusion.
“According to information from other cities – especially Ostrava, which began the distribution of menstrual supplies in primary schools in our country – we know that simply being aware that sanitary pads are available in toilets helps girls face their fear of menstruation and the feeling of stigmatization from their peers, which ultimately increases the self-confidence of female students,” said Brno city councilor for participation Petr Bořecký. “In addition to wanting to remove barriers related to the unavailability of hygiene supplies, we have set another goal – destigmatisation and education in schools. Unfortunately, girls, and indeed boys, are not always sufficiently educated about the menstrual cycle in general. The project will also include an educational campaign, which will include leaflets. Other options include organizing discussions focused on menstruation.”
The pilot phase of the project, beginning in the next school year, will see pads distributed to Brno elementary schools for one school year. Any schools that express interest in cooperating in the project will be included. The coordinators of the Participatory Budget for Schools project will help ensure the implementation of the program.
A tender for suppliers of menstrual pads will be announced in the spring. Thanks to a large order that will provide pads for the entire year, the city expects a price reduction of up to 2 crowns per piece. The estimated costs for the whole pilot are up to CZK 1 million excluding VAT. The schools themselves will be responsible for availability and presentation of the supplies, possibly by allowing pupils to design and produce containers during workshops or other activities.
The project will be evaluated based on feedback from primary school principals, and subject to results, it could be expanded to all Brno primary schools from the 2026/2027 school year. In total, the city operates 65 educational facilities attended by approximately 11,000 girls from grades 5 to 9. “I believe that this project will reduce girls’ absence from school, improve their psychological well-being and reduce stress associated with menstruation,” added Bořecký. “Simply put, we want to support equal opportunities for girls regardless of their socioeconomic status.”