‘The Metabolizing Analogue’, a new exhibition by Michaela Davidová, will go on display on Tuesday, 10 December, at the House of the Lords of Kunštát. Inspired by the metabolic processes of organisms, the artist will present her work on environmental photography, showcasing alternatives techniques of analogue photography.
“To me, ecological thinking starts with the process,” explained Davidová. “Body waste, DIY column chromatography, urine-based photographic development, belly sounds, ingredients, pinhole cameras and morphing growing cultures are all part of my practice. I engage with analogue photography but my artworks are not limited to images.”
Davidová’s exhibition is at the crossroads of analogue photographic experimentation and artistic creation, leading to the production of a new kind of environmental photography.
Her work is focused on the digestive metabolic processes of organisms. The artist focused on the reaction and transformation of filamentous fungi and root systems, revealing the potential of ecological perspectives in photographic practice through the transformation of matter and energy.
Davidová has been familiar with analogue photography for a long time; she is well acquainted with the properties of photographic paper, the chemical composition of the natural substances used, and their mutual interaction in the analogue photographic process of the darkroom. Thanks to this knowledge, she is able to play with the chemical reactions during the darkroom process in order to create and share a new perspective on environmental photography.
With this approach the whole process becomes a living organism, absorbing, processing, digesting, excreting and documenting the results of the transformation, from the moment Davidová took a picture to the result on the paper.
By allowing materials and substances to take an autonomous role in the creative process, she analyzes the result through the reaction of the materials themselves rather than through her own human perspective, without dictating the outcome. This approach emphasizes the agency of the materials and explores the concept of co-creation between the artist and the substances she employs.
Two other international exhibitions will also open to the public at the House of Kunštát. ‘Preparation for the future’ questions how to prepare for natural and other disasters, and ‘Your Addiction Is the Message’ is focused on addictions and escape strategies.