Performer Lily Kiara. Credit: Arnaud Beelen

Immediatus Biennale 2024: Festival of Improvised Music and Dance To Take Place in Brno

Late September will see Immediatus Biennale 2024, an International Festival of Improvisation and Instant Composition, taking place in Brno, with artists running workshops and performing improvised dance and musical pieces across a range of venues in the city.

Immediatus Biennale 2024 will run from Saturday 21 to Sunday 29 September, beginning with two three-day workshops on improvisational technique and choreography.

The first of these will be led by Lily Kiara, a certified instructor in the Skinner Releasing Technique (SRT), described by dance teacher Manny Emsile as “a somatic movement, dance, and creative practice with a core underlying principle of releasing blocked energy, held tension, and habitual patterns of body mind.” The second workshop will focus on three different approaches to instant dance creation, through the eyes of four separate artists.

The festival proper will begin on Wednesday 25, with eight  “dance-music performances, two masterclasses, a concert, and discussions with the artists” and will feature artists from the Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, France, Finland, Germany, Korea, and Slovakia. One masterclass will be led by Berrak Yedek, creator of the ‘somatic dialogue’ approach, and another by Berrak Yedek, a expert in physical theatre, and Dalibor Buš, an actor from Divadlo Husa na provázku.

The Immediatus Biennale 2024 festival is an evolution of the ‘IMMEDIATUS/Series of Instant Nights’ project, which has been bringing improvised dance and music events to Brno since 2018, combined with light design, poetry, and visual arts. Twenty different editions of the series have taken place so far.

Robie Legros, co-founder of the project, said that the initial inspiration for the project “arose from the desire to organise a multi-day community event for improvised creation in one location, connecting the dance and music scenes while also fostering international stage meetings”.

According to the organisers, festival events will take place at various locations, including the Moravian Gallery, Leitnerova Club, CED Basement Stage / Terrain, Distillery, and Trojka.

Festival passes and tickets for individual performances and masterclasses are available through the GoOut network. Workshop registration is required through a form posted on the website More detailed information is available on the website and the festival Facebook and Instagram accounts.

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