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Czech Schools Face Threatening Emails For A Second Day

Some schools in the Czech Republic have received threatening emails again today, similar to those on Tuesday, according to the Czech Police. Reporting the threats on social media, the police wrote that they will design protective measures to interfere as little as possible with classes.

The current threats are aimed at several types of schools, not just primary schools, police headquarters spokesman Ondrej Moravcik told CTK this morning. He also confirmed Tuesday’s police statement that the threat did not yet seem relevant.

On Tuesday, hundreds of schools across the country received an email threatening that they may have been booby-trapped.

Police said on Tuesday evening that a similar statement was circulating on social media, this time directed at all types of schools, not just primary schools.

“Schools are beginning to confirm this to us, and today as on Tuesday, we will take measures that will interfere as little as possible with the normal teaching regime,” the police said this morning.

In Prague alone, police have so far registered more than 100 reports of threats, police spokesperson Eva Kropacova told CTK before 10am.

There are 292 primary schools, 193 secondary schools and 443 kindergartens in the capital, according to the Czech Statistical Office.

About 500 Prague schools received the threatening messages on Tuesday, earlier reports show. Some schools therefore informed parents that they were ending classes and after-school activities early. Others moved their activities outside the school building or modified their standard routines in another way.

The National Counter Terrorism, Extremism and Cybercrime Centre, among other bodies, is participating in the investigation. Czech criminal investigators are also cooperating with their Slovak colleagues, who dealt with a similar threat to schools on Tuesday.

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