Credit: KK/BD

Free Open Air Concert Kicks Off New NdB Season this Thursday

One of the best and most entertaining events on the local cultural calendar will take place this Thursday afternoon, when the Brno National Theatre (NdB) will kick off its new season of entertainment with a free concert on the piazzetta in front of the Janáček Theatre.

The open-air concert, starting at 6pm, will be presented by Janáček Opera NdB, with Jana Štvrtecká and Petr Bláha from NdB Drama. The event will also include performances by soloists, a choir, and the orchestra of Janáček Opera NdB, led by the chief conductor Marko Ivanović.

NdB Drama will add songs from their performances, and there will also be a preview of the offerings of the 2024-25 season.

As part of the event, there will be a specially themed Fashion Market by Love Music.

Entry is free, but the temperature, especially on the concrete and unshaded piazzetta, will be hot.

NdB presents opera, ballet, and theatrical performances. Click here for the schedule and more details.

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