Credit: Brno City Municipality

Technical Survey of The Building Housing Kino Scala Has Been Completed

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The construction and technical survey of the building that housed the Bolek Polívka Theatre and Univerzitni Kino Scala is complete, and has been handed to the City of Brno and Masaryk University for examination.

Since last year, part of the building at Moravské nám. 3 / Jakubské nám. 5, previously the home of the theatre and cinema, has been empty. Cracks in the load-bearing walls and columns revealed the unsatisfactory state of the building, leading to the launch of a detailed construction and technical survey, carried out over the past months. The structural engineers have now submitted the complete report to the city.

The results of the survey will now be evaluated by city authorities and Masaryk University, which was offered the chance to buy the building for a symbolic price. Thanks to this detailed information, the two parties can now continue with previous negotiations, the goal of which is to preserve the operation of the cinema in this building, which has served for this purpose since 1929.

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