One of the largest courtyards in Brno, located between Bayerova, Dřevařská, Botanická and Kotlářská, has been transformed into a public green space. The Brno-střed city district has now reopened the space, together with local residents.
Extensive renovation work began in the roughly half-hectare area, the size of a football field, last October. The city district officially handed over the landscaped park to the public at an opening ceremony yesterday, accompanied by theatre and musical performances.
“Construction and planting work ended in the spring,” said the 1st Deputy Mayor of Brno-střed district, Ludmila Oulehlová (ANO), who is responsible for the environment. “We waited for the opening until all the greenery, until recently protected by fences, took hold. Greenery was one of the main elements we emphasised during the renovation. The workers restored the lawns and planted 24 trees, over 300 bushes, and 1,500 perennials and bulbs.”
The public furniture in the area was also upgraded, and now includes a large circular bench, almost 20 new benches, new waste bins, and tables for board games such as chess or draughts. For refreshment, a drinking fountain has been installed close to the children’s playground and the benches.

“The current reconstruction directly followed on from the successful revitalization of the neighbouring Hoppova courtyard,” said the Mayor of Brno-střed, Vojtěch Mencl (ODS). “In this case, too, we consulted with local residents about the final form, and modified the project according to their comments. For example, public lighting has been added, which was missing in the courtyard, and there are shaded benches where visitors can rest in the shade on hot days.”
In total, the reconstruction of the inner courtyard, which also includes a kindergarten, cost CZK 13.4 million, including VAT, which included the costs of processing the project documentation. Funding was provided by the City of Brno to the city district, which subsequently ensured the implementation of the entire project.
“The City of Brno has been using its budget to support the revitalization of public spaces, such as parks and courtyards, for a long time,” said the 2nd Deputy Mayor of Brno and representative of the Brno-střed district Filip Chvátal (KDU-ČSL). “Inner courtyards have great potential in cities. People can spend time in a green environment and relax in the immediate vicinity of the city centre. In addition, the reconstructed inner courtyard on Bayerova is passable and freely accessible, and will therefore serve not only locals, but also visitors from the surrounding area.”
The project documentation was prepared by Eva Kalabová. The construction contractor was Strommy Company s. r. o. Other inner courtyards in the city have undergone renovation in recent years. In 2022, the city district repaired the courtyard between Kotlářská, Hoppova, Bayerova and Dřevařská, as well as the back part of the courtyard near Římské náměstí in the city centre, which had until then served as a parking area.