On Monday, 1 July, the Old Town Hall in Brno will become a national cultural monument. The proposal to enhance the level of protection of the city’s oldest secular building originated from the Ministry of Culture, and was approved by the Czech Government on 6 December 2023.
The proposal approved in December 2023 covers a total of 18 cultural monuments, of which 14 are historic town halls, which are among the main symbols of the political, economic and cultural-social history of cities. The new monuments range from some dating back to the Middle Ages to those from the beginning of the 20th century, and together they demonstrate the development of town hall buildings in the Czech lands over the years.
“The old town hall is a monument from the 13th century, to which many legends are attached, and which served its purpose until 1935, when the councillors moved to Dominikánská náměstí,” explained the Mayor of Brno, Markéta Vaňková. “There are currently over 300 national cultural monuments registered on the Central List of Cultural Monuments, of which 13 are in Brno, including Veveří and Špilberk Castles, the Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul, the Kounice dormitories, and Hotel Avion. The approval of another important historical building means a further increase in the prestige of our city from the point of view of tourism. And, of course, it also represents an obligation and responsibility for us as the owner of the Old Town Hall.”

The old town hall is located on Radnická, in a convenient location between Náměstí Svobody and Zelný trh. “An important aspect is that the Old Town Hall is still open to the public and has found a new use,” said Jana Janulíková, director of TIC BRNO, which manages the Old Town Hall. “An information centre serves tourists, and its halls and courtyard are a cultural space where concerts, exhibitions or even Christmas markets are held. Its 63-metre tower is also a popular destination, which offers a panoramic view of the entire centre. We also offer guided tours of the building, or you can rent individual halls for private purposes.”
A distinctive and artistically valuable element of this monument is the Gothic stone portal, designed by Anton Pilgram. More information about Pilgram is presented in the permanent exhibition on the first floor of the town hall tower. Popular legends are attached to the portal, as well as to the Brno dragon and the lawn wheel, which can be found in the passage.
On Monday, 1 July, a special ball with a dragon’s paw and a yellow-black dragon’s iris will fall from the Brno Astronomical Clock on Náměstí Svobody. They will appear on the hour every hour from 11 am to 11 pm.