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City of Brno Boosts Support For Promising Doctoral Students With Increased Scholarship Fund

On Tuesday, the Brno city assembly approved an increased budget for the Brno Ph.D. Talent contest, which recognizes and supports promising students in the fields of science and engineering. The total allocation for the contest has increased to CZK 9 million, which will be shared by the 25 selected winners over a period of three years.

“The main goal of the Brno Ph.D. Talent scholarship is to help gifted students successfully complete their doctoral studies, and to support their research, which may one day be of global significance,” said the Mayor of Brno, Markéta Vaňková. “Thanks to the project, young scientists will also develop their skills in the field of strategic management, and their ties to the region will be strengthened. The contribution will allow them to devote themselves fully to university activities, which they can then continue with in various Brno institutions.” 

The expert committee will select the 25 best students from those who apply. They will subsequently receive financial support as well as other benefits of the program, including a range of courses for the development of soft skills, and networking opportunities with scholarship recipients from previous years.

“The economic development of cities and regions is largely dependent on the presence of talent,” said Anna Putnová, the city’s representative for innovation and cooperation with research organisations. “Thanks to this contest, Brno succeeds in finding these gifted personalities and helping them towards their career path. During the 14 years of the competition, which have seen hundreds of students receiving scholarships, about 70% of the supported doctoral students remained in scientific positions in Brno. Others work at foreign universities or as experts in research companies, but they still maintain ties to Brno.” 

The subsidy for the competition has increased by CZK 750,000 to a total of CZK 9 million. Each of the 25 selected winners will receive CZK 360,000, which they will use for their research activities within 36 months.

You can find information about the competition and its schedule here.

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