The forum will take place at the Orlí Theatre on 9 October. Credit: Brno City Municipality.
Brno, Oct 5 (BD) – The theme of the 17th Brno Cultural Forum, taking place on Monday, 9 October, is accessibility in Brno’s art and cultural spheres.
The forum, subtitled “Culture available to all”, will take place at the Orlí Theatre, one of the few Brno cultural spaces with full disabled access. The topic will be discussed from many angles, highlighting the barriers to inclusivity in the Brno cultural scene, but also its strengths, and new developments in terms of accessibility. International guests from Hungary and Estonia will attend the forum to provide examples of good practice, alongside the traditional panel discussion.

In addition to the debate and open sharing of views, the evening will also feature short artistic demonstrations, and space will also be given to non-profit organisations dedicated to working with disadvantaged people, including the Barka Theatre, the Kociánka Centre and the Aldente Theatre.
In the spirit of accessibility, services enabling participation and a comfortable environment for all will be in operation during the forum, including translation of speakers from abroad, sign-language interpretation, aids for the visually impaired, and an assistance service. The event will also be English-friendly.
The forum is free, but registration in advance is requested to ensure the smooth running of the event and the broadest possible participation.