The rescue efforts took a total of 18 minutes from the arrival of the first unit. Credit: HZS JMK.
Brno, Oct 3 (BD)– A young man was struck by an oncoming tram on the afternoon of Monday, 2 October, on Brno’s Renneská třída. The pedestrian became wedged underneath the front carriage of the tram, and firefighters were called out to rescue him.
V Brně na Renneské třídě zasahujeme u střetu chodce a tramvaje. Soupravu jsme museli nadzvednout, aby bylo možné zraněného muže vyprostit. Zasahují jednotky HZS ze 3 stanic. Doprava je omezená.
— HZS Jihomoravského kraje (@hzsjhm) October 2, 2023
According to Jaroslav Mikoška, press spokesman of the South Moravian Fire Department (HZS JMK), several HZS units were promptly dispatched from the operations centre. Six fire engines arrived at the location of the accident shortly after 4.30 pm, and further rescue units followed.

Staff from the Brno Transport Company assisted the fire service by ensuring the carriage and the electrical wiring were turned off and safe to work. The accident area was then surrounded by some specific protective apparatus, to deter onlookers, who could have hampered the already restricted flow of traffic in the area even further.
Firefighters employed hydraulic jacks to lift the tram and were eventually able to set the young man free. The rescue efforts to save the injured man took a total of 18 minutes from the arrival of the first unit.