Our “Special Interests” series takes a look at some unusual or special-interest hobbies that people have in the Czech Republic. In the third part of the series, we spoke to Alejandra Rossell, a Mexican woman living in Brno who has adopted the local passion for ice-skating. Photo credit: Freepik.
Brno, Apr 1 (BD) – Did you know that you can go ice skating throughout the whole year in Stadion Brno? Alejandra Rossell is from Mexico and has been living in Brno for eight years, and during that time, ice skating has become a great hobby.
Three years ago Alejandra was looking for a sport for her daughter and signed her up for children’s classes in ice skating.
“Then I realised they had classes for adults too. I tried it and I liked it very much. In Mexico we have only roller skates. Here they teach you a lot more, like figure skating, jumping, pirouettes, and a lot of other things I had never imagined doing as an adult.”
Alejandra has classes twice a week. “It is interesting that it is offered throughout the whole semester, not just in the winter. It is indoors, so there is real ice there. You just grab your jacket and go skating.”

What Alejandra likes the most about ice skating is having a new experience as an adult. “You don’t think you can learn something new, especially when it comes to physical activities or sports. Besides, I share it with my daughter. She is more advanced, but we watch each other progress.”
Ice skating on real ice is very different than on the indoor rink. In winter, Alejandra has tried ice skating on lakes. “It’s very different on wild ice, but it’s fun and I feel more confident. It is nice to be outdoors, but the ice is not as smooth. You can have branches or stuff sticking out of the water, so the surface is more rough. Also, it is harder to fall onto the ice.”
The ice skating classes in Stadion Brno are very popular. For the next semester, however, it is still possible to register for classes. Information can be found at this website.