The cycle path is once again accessible, but plans are underway to permanently stabilise the entire location to ensure its long-term safety for public use. Photo credit: Brno City Municipality.
Brno, 11 Mar (BD) – Since yesterday at 4pm, pedestrians and cyclists can return to the cycle path between Kamenná čtvrť and Anthropos.
The path was closed at the end of January following the collapse of an 8-10 tonne boulder, which damaged the path. The professional company STRIX Chomutov, which is part of the Czech Integrated Rescue System, was called to the scene. They excavated dozens of cubic metres of weathered rock and leaning trees in a controlled manner.
The cycle path is once again accessible, but plans are underway to permanently stabilise the entire location to ensure its long-term safety for public use.
“It will be necessary to develop a project to secure this area, which will have to be preceded by a more detailed survey proposing permanent measures. For example, retaining fences or barriers may be built to secure the area, which will capture debris so that it does not threaten the cycle path itself,” explained geotechnician Ondřej Holý.