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Policeman Firing his Gun by Mistake in Kindergarten

The incident in Prerov stirred up a broad discussion on social media among the local parents, many of whom expressed surprise at police officers going with their service guns to these events. Photo: Freepik

Prerov, North Moravia, Mar. 4 (CTK) – A police officer accidentally fired his gun during a meeting with children at a kindergarten in Prerov on Thursday morning, but luckily no one was injured, and he now faces disciplinary punishment, regional police spokeswoman Jitka Dolejsova told CTK today.

Regional Police Chief Tomas Landsfeld ordered the police officers’ retraining of weapon handling in connection with this incident to prevent similar accidents from repeating in the future.

The police explained that the gun had not went off near the children, but in a separate area of the room at the kindergarten. The police internal control department is investigating the incident.

About a dozen pre-school children were at a meeting with the police officer in Prerov. The aim of these events is to get children acquainted with the police work and create trust in the police. The incident in Prerov stirred up a broad discussion on social media among the local parents, many of whom expressed surprise at police officers going with their service guns to these meetings. However, police say this was justified as the police officer went there directly from his duty, Dolejsova added.

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