“On the new track with the new tram, and for a good cause.” Photo: DPMB via Facebook
Brno, 3 Dec (BD) – Together with the Škoda Group, Brno Transport Company (DPMB) are organising a charity ride. 60 visitors will have a chance to try out a new tram on the new track to Kampus Bohunice on the afternoon of 8 December.
Anyone interested must register by 3pm on 6 December by emailing charita@dpmb.cz, stating their name and the number of passengers. DPMB will then announce the exact time and place for boarding. The registration works on the principle of “first come first served”. Passengers will be charged a minimum of CZK 100 for a child and CZK 200 for an adult. The proceeds raised will go to the charity Velvet Smile, which supports the families of seriously ill and disabled children.
Alongside Hlavní nádraží and Zvonařka, Kampus Bohunice will become the most important transfer terminal in Brno. In addition to the tram station, five bus lines will go to Bohunice. The changes will take effect from 11 December, when the timetables change in the Czech Republic.