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25 Large Czech Firms Launch Push For Carbon Neutrality

Rethink, a new project seeking carbon neutrality and energy security, is being launched by large companies in the Czech Republic. Photo Credit: Freepik

Prague, Oct 4 (CTK) – Twenty-five large companies based in the Czech Republic have launched Rethink, a new project seeking carbon neutrality and energy security, signing a joint declaration to present the project yesterday, followed by an innovation forum in the Prague-based French Institute today.

The founders of the project include Czech Railways (CD), Czech Post (CP), the CEZ energy utility, the Ostrava Public Transport Company, IKEA, Komercni banka, Metrostav and Skoda Auto. Partners of the project include the French embassy in Prague, the French Institute, and the Czech Ministries of Industry and of the Environment.

The project’s initiators also include the Czech Entrepreneurs’ Council for Sustainable Development (CBCSD). Its representative Ivo Gajdos said the aim of the project is to help reduce emissions and protect the climate.

Jonathan Wootliff, an adviser for sustainability and corporate social responsibility, said that it is entrepreneurs who are the engines of change, and urged governments to make changes. The Czech Republic has an opportunity to become a centre of sustainable development, he said.

The European Commission previously adopted the Green Deal package of proposals to adjust member states’ policies in the areas of climate, energy, transport and taxation, in order to achieve a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels.

At the launch of Rethink today, speakers repeatedly mentioned the need to secure energy independence from Russia, which has become more urgent since the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

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