The City of Brno will propose a working group to discuss the future expansion of Kravi Hora park. Photo credit: TMA/BrnoDaily
Brno, Oct. 4 (BD) – At the beginning of September, the City of Brno launched a survey asking citizens about the possible redevelopment of “pěti likusáků” in Kraví hora, a collection of mixed-use buildings owned by the city which are currently used for a range of cultural-creative purposes. Users of the BrnoID city portal could vote until 30 September 2022. They voted in favour of redeveloping the buildings and expanding the park by 835-721, (54%-46%).
“The results of the poll showed that people prefer a park on the site, which we must take into account when making decisions. However, the result was very balanced, so we should also take into account the value of the local cultural and creative community and the strong demand of the citizens of the city to find a place for them, and invite its representatives to discuss the future of the area,” said Tomáš Koláčný (Pirates), the 2nd Deputy Mayor of Brno.
He added that, along with the survey, meetings have been held in recent weeks with the senior management of the Brno University of Technology (BUT), who expressed their support for discussions on the conceptual development of this part of Kraví Hora. The council is therefore submitting a proposal to Wednesday’s meeting of Brno City Council to create a working group tasked with initiating a spatial study to enable the revitalisation of the area, with representatives of the City of Brno, the Brno-Stred district, the Brno University of Technology, the Brno Observatory, the Brno City Architect’s Office, and the local creative community. “Given the considerable support of Brno citizens for the creative community, we should try to connect both directions and look for synergies,” added Koláčný.