City of Brno To Extend Municipal Power Plant To Private Residential and Commercial Buildings

The decision was driven by the high level of public interest related to the current energy crisis. Photo Credit: SAKO Brno.

Brno, Sept. 19 (BD) – The municipal company SAKO Brno Solar, which is responsible for the implementation of photovoltaic systems on the roofs of Brno’s municipal buildings, is preparing to extend its municipal solar power plant project by offering it to housing cooperatives, apartment blocks and the roofs of commercial establishments. Until now, only municipally owned buildings have been considered, while the public and businesses would be involved in the next phase of implementation after several years, but now the public will be able to join the project from the beginning of the new year.

“This decision was dictated by the high level of public interest related to the current energy crisis. Involving Brno as much as possible in the shared solar power plant project will be beneficial both for all participants and for the city itself, which will reduce its dependence on fossil fuel supplies,” said Petr Hladík, 1st Deputy Mayor of Brno.

SAKO Brno Solar, which is a subsidiary of the municipal waste collection company SAKO Brno, is currently working on adapting the methodology for the installation of photovoltaic panels for residential and commercial buildings. It will provide technical support and advice to those interested in the implementation of solar energy sources, followed by logistical support for the various kinds of installation. 

“Why should we build, as we state in our brochures, only the second largest solar power plant in the country when we can have the largest,” added Filip Leder, Chairman of the Board of Directors of SAKO Brno. “I believe that this project will be interesting for the citizens of Brno, because it will also allow us to use our know-how.” 

Due to the lack of EU energy legislation, it will not yet be possible to start involving all stakeholders in a real energy community. “Therefore, I call for speeding up the legislative process in this area, so that we can bring together all interested Brno entities into one virtual power plant that will utilise the maximum roof area and use the energy produced at the necessary points in the system,” said Hladík. “The priority for Brno is to achieve energy self-sufficiency within a maximum of five years, to which the extension of the urban solar power plant project to the public should contribute significantly.”

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