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Young Man Faces Jail After Attempt To Rob Brno City Police Facility

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Photo credit: Freepik

Brno, Aug. 24 (BD) – Last night security guards spotted a young man trying to remove the protective cover of the indoor education area at the Riviera Traffic Instruction Centre, a property owned by the Brno city police, with a backpack on his shoulders.

After being notified by the guards, several police units arrived on the scene and surrounded the 24-year-old as he exited the building. The young man was carrying microphones and a mixing console in his backpack. 

At first he told police officers that he had come to use the restroom and had been practising on the training track. After a while, however, he confessed to stealing electronic equipment worth more than CZK 10,000; he now faces jail time.

On Saturday, August 27, the Riviera Traffic Instruction Centre will host a free day for children and families from 10am to 5pm, where they can see how police officers work, their equipment, cars and motorcycles. There will also be a children’s section with animals.

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