The Brno Dam turned into a training ground yesterday. South Moravian firefighters took to the water to prepare for a situation in which a fire may occur in the wheelhouse of a boat. It took the professionals about an hour to deal with the pretend fire. Photo credit: HZS JmK
Brno, 27 May (BD) – Yesterday morning, an exercise simulating a fire on board one of the Brno Transport Company (DPMB) boats took place at the Brno Dam.
“The subject of the exercise was the situation resulting from a fire in the wheelhouse of the boat. Some of the passengers jumped into the water in panic. The firefighters had to rescue 10 people from the water and another 10 were rescued from the deck of the ship. They also had to deal with a fictitious fire, which they disposed of by deploying floating pumps,” said Jaroslav Mikoška, spokesman of the South Moravian Fire Brigade.
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”604″ gal_title=”Firefighters exercise”]The operations centre sent four fire units with 18 firefighters to the scene. Photo credit: HZS JmK
The operations centre dispatched four firefighting units and 18 firefighters to the incident. The whole drill lasted approximately one hour.
“Tactical exercises are regularly performed by firefighting units, and their aim is to verify the set procedures of emergency management, deepen the knowledge and skills of the intervening firefighters and also the cooperation of the intervening units or IZS units,” explained Mikoška.