Ukliďme Česko: Largest Volunteer Clean-Up Action In The Czech Republic To Take Place On 2 April

On Saturday, 2 April, one month from now, the main spring event of the Czech Republic’s largest volunteer event, Ukliďme Česko (“Let’s Clean Up the Czech Republic”) will take place, focusing on cleaning up illegal garbage dumps and other litter from natural areas, towns and villages. Photo credit: Ukliďme Česko

Czech Republic, March 7 (BD) – The Czech Republic’s largest volunteer event, Ukliďme Česko, will go ahead a month from now on 2 April. Currently, nearly 2,000 volunteers are registered. For those who are interested in joining the event, registration is still available on the official website. 

Those who sign up before 15 March will not only receive useful advice on planning and promoting their clean-ups, but can also apply for clean-up supplies (bags and gloves), a T-shirt, stickers for participants, and a limited edition figure of the legendary Igráček.

This year, the Czech manufacturer of games and toys EFKO has also decided to join Ukliďme Česko, creating a special edition of Igráček in the form of the book and film heroines Mimi and Lisa, to be directed to regular shops. Part of the proceeds from their sale will go towards the purchase of special garbage pickers, which will then be distributed to volunteers of Ukliďme Česko. 

Miroslav Kotík, the owner of EFKO, said: “I like the whole Ukliďme Česko project very much. Those who know me and follow my activities will have noticed that the mess that surrounds us does not leave me cold. When I walk to work, I automatically take a bag with me and pick up the rubbish that people throw out of their cars. Just as the Help with Igráček project contributed to the potential lack of protective equipment for health workers during the pandemic, now we want to provide volunteers who take care of our nature with figurines.”

In addition to the clean-up itself, a new waste app has been created, and its designers hope to reduce the amount of illegal dumping and litter lying around in the countryside. “Our goal is not to endlessly clean up other people’s mess. That’s why we developed the application, for those who might not be aware even today, in the era of collection centres and ubiquitous containers for sorted waste,” said Miroslav Kubásek, the designer of the project from the Ukliďme Česko association. 

The app will advise you where you can dispose of ordinary household waste, unused medicines, tyres, used electrical equipment, batteries, light sources, bulky waste, hazardous waste, or anything you need to get rid of. The project map already contains 110,000 disposal locations.

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