From March 1st, the number of people at mass events will not be limited, but wearing a mask should remain compulsory. However, from March 13th, the obligation to wear masks will no longer apply in most public places. Photo credit: Freepik
Czech Republic, Feb 23 (BD) – The relaxation of anti-epidemic measures in the Czech Republic is continuing. Further changes were discussed by the government today, including the suspension of the obligation to wear masks in many places, which should be effective from March 13th according to Seznam Zpravy.
Respirators will remain mandatory only in public transport, medical and social facilities, and the government will still specify some mass events where masks must be worn.
“Based on the data we will collect for the next two weeks and evaluate with experts, we will submit a proposal to the government,” said Health Minister Vlastimil Válek (TOP 09). The Ministry intends to announce further lifting of measures from March 13th following the next meeting of the government.
However, Valek also confirmed that Easter will be normal. “This is not an empty promise, but a reality that will come.”
The Ministry of Health has also negotiated with insurance companies that in March, every citizen – vaccinated and unvaccinated – will have a free preventive PCR test. “If we require a negative test to visit a nursing home or certain medical services, it should be free,” Válek explained.
Testing of health and social service employees and unvaccinated visitors to these facilities will also end on March 13th.