For the Annual International Tourist Guide Day, TIC Brno is organising several walking tours of Brno over this weekend. Photo credit : KB / Brno Daily.
Brno, Feb 19 (BD) – Don’t know what to do this weekend? For the 32nd Annual International Tourist Guide Day, a day aimed at highlighting the contribution of tourist guides, TIC Brno is organising several walking tours of the city over this weekend. Last year, the event had to be cancelled due to COVID-19, but this year fourteen tours have been organised Czech, as well as one in English this Saturday at 2pm and one in German this Sunday, also at 2pm.
The visits will consist of walks with commentary from the guides. They will all be outdoors, but this weekend’s forecast rain should finish tonight. The exact program of each tour is a surprise prepared by the guide who organises it, but they will pass through the most important historical places of Brno.
Reservations can be made online at or at one of the TIC Brno information points.