South Moravia is once again at the top of the list of visitors per region in the third quarter of 2021. According to the Czech Statistical Office, almost 817,000 tourists came to the South Moravian Region in this period, of which more than 125,000 were from abroad. The region also performed well in terms of the number of overnight stays and the average length of stay. Photo credit: Michal Ruzicka, TIC Brno
Brno, Dec 15 (BD) – “This summer season is slightly better in number of visitors and length of stay than last year. As in the previous year, the majority was domestic tourism, however, more foreign tourists arrived in South Moravia than any region except for Prague,” said Martina Grůzová, director of the South Moravia Tourist Board (CCRJM). Visits in the summer months increased by almost 9% from last year, and the number of overnight stays by 7%. Slovaks and Germans were the most common foreign guests.
The main attraction in the region was the Slav Epic in Moravský Krumlov, which has been seen by more than 35,000 people in the last four months. This also had a positive effect on the number of visitors to other tourist destinations in the immediate vicinity. “South Moravian castles and chateaux have seen a decline in interest in guided interior tours, but on the contrary, the number of free tours of gardens, parks and outdoor spaces in general has increased. This is evident, for example, from the number of visitors to the Pernštejn Castle, where almost 90,000 people chose the Pernštejn Garden tour,” said Grůzová.
The results of a survey of tourist information centers show that this year’s typical visitor is a woman between the ages of 36 and 50 who came to South Moravia with a partner, and whose main targets were historical monuments. They got the most information about the region from friends and websites. According to statistics, the positive impact of this year’s CCRJM #nestujcestuj campaign is also evident. ” In this campaign, we gradually introduced the diverse options of South Moravia in the form of specific topics, activities, events and lesser-known localities. In combination with activities to support tourism to individual destinations, this has resulted in increased interest from tourists. An example is the #mastozadax project, thanks to which the city of Znojmo filled the capacity of the offered tours up to 99% in July and August,” added Grůzová.