South Moravia is one of the driest regions in the Czech Republic, and this September saw the second lowest rainfall in the past decade. Credit: Freepik.
Brno, Nov 18 (BD) – South Moravia is one of the driest regions in the Czech Republic. Average annual rainfall is below the national average, and September was the second driest September of the last ten years.
“September was the second worst in terms of rainfall in the past decade. In total, this is offset by the high rainfall months of July and August this year. However, we need at least 80mm of rain in October, November and December to reach the average of the last decade,” explained Jan Zámečník, Deputy Governor of the South Moravian region.
Although September was not very rainy, in fact, the annual average for this year is still around the average of other years, thanks to July and August, which were particularly rainy months. We will have to wait until the end of December to be able to classify this year.
Overall, however, it is possible to observe significant fluctuations in precipitation from year to year, and month to month. “Therefore, we need to retain water better in above-average months,” added Zámečník. “The main task is to ensure sufficient drinking water. So we have to look for other sources and also find a way not to waste water unnecessarily. If we don’t do something now, it might mean problems in the future.”