According to data from CZSO, total exports decreased and fell below the rising total of imports, leaving the Czech Republic with a deficit of CZK 13.3 billion, a worsening balance of trade of CZK 47.2 billion year-on-year. Credit: Freepik.
Czech Rep, Nov 11 (BD) – The Czech Republic’s foreign trade balance slipped into deficit in the third quarter of 2021, as imports rose by 12.7%, compared to a 2.8% drop in exports. The main factor was the CZK 20.6 billion year-on-year decline in the trade surplus in motor vehicles.
In September, the share of exports to Eurozone countries was 65.5%, while the Eurozone share of imports to the Czech Republic was 46.6%. On an annual basis, exports decreased by 1.0% while imports increased by 4.4%.