The 11th annual Brno Art Week starts today, and will run until April 25th. Museums, galleries, and schools will present a wide range of exhibitions and events, this time online. Image Credit: TIC Brno.
Brno, Apr 19 (BD) – For the eleventh year, Brno museums, galleries, and schools are together curating the Brno Art Week, which will see them present a wide range of online exhibitions and events. Daily art warm-ups, special television broadcasts, interviews with artists, guided tours of exhibitions, and videos of public spaces will be available on the official YouTube channel from today until April 25th.
The coronavirus has affected preparations for this year’s Brno Art Week on several levels, not only the organization itself and the technical security of the event. The pandemic has also fundamentally influenced the content of the festival: the main conference is dedicated to the impact of the pandemic and alternative ways of presenting art during lockdown.
Brno Art Week is a platform connecting various Brno art institutions, from museums and independent galleries to schools with an artistic focus. The festival was established in 2010 on the initiative of the Department of Art Education at Masaryk University (MUNI), which still organizes the event together with the Tourist Information Center (TIC Brno).
“It has always been important for TIC Brno to look for connections between Brno institutions. Brno Art Week is one of the platforms connecting art, from museums, through independent galleries, to art-oriented schools. We are happy that despite these difficult conditions, the organizers are succeeding in staging the event”, said Jana Janulíková, director of TIC Brno.
For a detailed program of the festival, visit the Brno Art Week 2021 website.

Photo: Shooting at the gallery OFF/Format (2021). Credit: Marie Vosáhlová.

Photo: Shooting Urban Legends at Brno Art House (2021). Credit: Marie Vosáhlová.

Photo: Shooting at the studio of Petr Veselý (2021). Credit: Šímon Kříž.