Regular collection of bio-waste starts today in Brno. The new brown containers are intended for biodegradable kitchen waste, and will be emptied once a week. But what should and shouldn’t go into these bins? Here’s what you need to know. Photo Credit: Zdeněk Kolařík / MMB.
Brno, Apr 19 (BD) – Last Monday, April 12th, the first brown bio-waste containers were put into operation in the Brno-Slatina district, in the presence of the First Deputy Mayor of Brno Petr Hladík (KDU-CSL), the First Deputy Mayor of Brno-Slatina, Martin Krytinář (KDU-CSL), and the Chairman of the Board of SAKO, Filip Leder.
Today, regular collection of bio-waste bins will begin across other areas of the city. The 240-litre containers can be found next to the plastic, paper, and glass bins, and will be emptied once a week.
“They are primarily intended for biodegradable kitchen residue, so we ask citizens to continue to use their home composters and the network of waste collection centers for garden biowaste, such as leaves, grass, fallen fruit, cut branches, weeds, and others, or to wait for mobile collection with large-volume containers”, said Michal Kačírek from SAKO.
What you CAN throw in the brown bins
Peels, seeds, fruit and vegetable residue, houseplants (even with potting soil), coffee grounds, and charcoal ash.

Photo: Bio-waste disposed correctly. Credit: SAKO Brno.
What you CANNOT throw in the brown bins
Animal waste (meat, bones, leather), dairy products, oils, and non-organic waste (cigarette butts, newspapers, metals, plastic, etc.).
Be careful not to throw plants infested with mold in the bins, as the mold would spread into the rest of the material and destroy the entire container.
“Eggshells, bio-paper, and nutshells should not be thrown in the urban bio-bins. Even though these can be composted at home, we take the urban bio-waste to the Central Composting Plant, where the compostable process is shortened to a maximum of half a year, which is not long enough for these components to decompose properly,” said Kačírek.
For more information, including the location of the brown containers, click here.

Photo: An incorrectly disposed plastic bottle in the bio-waste container. Credit: SAKO Brno.