Masaryk University Launches University Coronavirus Traffic Light

From September 2nd, the operation of Masaryk University (MUNI) is being governed by a “university traffic light”. The current color is green, based on the epidemiological situation in the Brno-město district. Individual faculties and workplaces may declare a higher degree of readiness. Image: Masaryk University website.

Brno, Sep 4 (BD) – The Masaryk University coronavirus traffic light system (“semafor”) was announced this afternoon. The university’s system copies the functionality of the nationwide “semafor” system, which classifies individual districts according to the spread of COVID-19, and will manage activities at individual faculties and workplaces at MUNI from the beginning of the new academic year.

The four levels of risk are white, green, yellow and red. 

  • “White” means zero or negligible risk of virus transfer.
  • “Green” means occurence of the infection without risk of community-based transmission.
  • “Yellow” means incipient community-based transmission.
  • “Red” means increasing or persistent community-based transmission.

Regular lessons are taking place at MUNI from September 1st with a maximum of 50 people, as stipulated by the Rector’s decision No. 8/2020. The new decision by the Rector obliges students to immediately report a positive test for COVID-19 or quarantine via the Information System, and anyone with symptoms of a viral infectious disease is prohibited from entering MUNI buildings.

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