The web application includes details of 11 trips close to Brno, including attractions such as Marianské Udoli and Hady, as well as some lesser-known beauty spots. Photo: Mariánské údolí by Šárka Vokounová.
Brno, Aug 20 (BD) – Sometimes you don’t need to travel very far to find areas of natural beauty – you can even get there by tram! The City of Brno has launched a new English-language web application, Trips in the Forests of Brno [“Vylety brnenskymi lesy”], a user-friendly guide to days out in green and wooded areas in and around Brno. It features eleven suggested trips, guiding users around natural beauty spots in Brno’s suburbs and surroundings, with information on refreshment options, and whether the route is suitable for prams or bicycles.

Some of the locations mentioned, such as Mariánské údolí, Hády, and Holedná, are well-known, others less so – the guide also features trips to Rosice, the Křtiny arboretum, and the Medlánecká hills. The routes are planned as circuits, with lookout towers, places of interest and amenities noted in the descriptions and maps, as well as information about the length of the routes and information about accessibility.

The application was developed by the GIS (Geographic Information System) Section of the municipality’s IT Department, together with Šárka Vokounová and the Departments of Water and Forest Management and Agriculture, and joins the many other information maps available on the city’s GIS Portal, including a map of sports venues in the city, or a guide to the bombing of Brno in World War II.