Since the beginning of this week, the residential parking system has been expanded to include Brno-Královo Pole. The area around Dřevařská now falls under Zone B regulations, with other Královo Polo areas now part of Zone C. Photo credit: MMB.
Brno, Aug 7 (BD) – Since this Monday, the residential parking system in Brno has been expanded to parts of Královo Pole, including the areas of Staňkova, Botanická and Dřevařská, and the area delimited by Veveří: Kotlářská, Pionýrská, Sportovní, Reissigova, Domažlická, Kounicova and Šumavská.
Dřevařská (1-15) is among the areas that form a ring around the historic centre, and as such falls under Zone B. Regulation in this zone applies 24 hours a day, and parking for visitors costs CZK 30/hour, after one free hour of parking. Residents or commuters must have a standing permit.
The others (3-01 and 3-02) fall under Zone C, where parking is regulated only in the evening and at night, so that residents returning home from work can park more easily. From 5pm to 6am, visitor parking costs CZK 20/hour after one free hour, which can only be paid via a parking application or SMS. Unlike zones A and B, no parking meters will be located here.
The residential parking system has been in place in Brno since September 2018, and aims to create more space for residents at the expense of those who commute to Brno for work. After the system began in the centre and nearby residential areas, the city noted that commuters were leaving their cars just outside those areas, which has led to the further expansion, planned to continue.
In September this year, the system will be further expanded to the areas of Žižkova, Špitálka and Trnitá. In November, Zborovská and Chodská will be added.
Further information on the system can be found on this website.