Following the increase in coronavirus cases in recent days, some restrictions have again been introduced to control the spread of the virus. Currently, nationwide measures apply only to events, with new attendance limits and a requirement for facemasks to be worn at indoor events. Photo credit: / For illustrative purposes.
Czech Rep., Jul 24 (BD) – On Thursday afternoon, Health Minister Adam Vojtech (ANO) announced new measures in response to the recent increase in active cases of Covid-19. The nationwide measures announced apply only to larger events, with further measures applied locally. So far, authorities in Brno and South Moravia have not announced any extra measures.
From Saturday, indoor events will again be limited to 1,000 participants, and from Monday this will drop to 500 people. Events may still be organized with up to five sectors with 500 capacity each, technically raising the limit to 2,500. The sectors must be completely separated from each other, including a separate entrance. Outdoor events will be limited to 1,000 people. Anyone attending an indoor event with more than 100 people must wear a facemask. The measures apply to both public and private events, including organized music, social, cultural, and sporting events, as well as weddings and funerals. Facemasks will not be required for individual visits to restaurants or bars.
From next week, a “multi-stage traffic light system” will be in place, to provide public health officials with guidelines on what measures to take in the event of a worsening epidemiological situation. It will be presented to the State Security Council by the Minister on Monday. Measures restricting the economy or free movement will not be introduced, said Vojtech.

Vojtech added an appeal for calm: “Our role is to take steps to prevent the situation from getting worse. At the same time, however, we should not scare citizens. I urge all public officials not to dramatize the situation. The epidemic is not spreading, it is not necessary to apply any dramatic measures throughout the Czech Republic, nor to reconvene the Central Crisis Staff.”
Local measures have been applied in the Usti nad Labem and Liberec Regions, making facemasks mandatory from today in medical and social services facilities, as well as pharmacies in Liberec.
Other local measures were already in place in the the Moravian-Silesian Region, Vlcnov, Kutna Hora, Caslav, Jihlava, Telc, and Prague. While measures are being somewhat relaxed in Moravia-Silesia and Kutna Hora, Prague authorities will be tightening restrictions.
The number of new cases in the Czech Republic has been growing in recent days. More than 5,000 people are currently infected, the highest number of active cases since the outbreak began in March. According to Vojtech, however, this may be an error in the data, where not all recovered cases are reported, and so continue to be counted as active cases. Additionally, the Minister pointed out that they have “continued to successfully protect vulnerable groups, which is reflected in the fact that the number of hospitalized patients and serious cases is not growing.”
All nationwide and local measures can be found on the Ministry of Health website.