The seven-meter bright green pea, currently located at Spilberk Castle, is the latest (temporary) addition to Brno’s collection of peculiar public art, and can be seen in numerous locations in Brno city centre in the next two weeks. Photos: TMA.
Brno, Jul 5 (BD) – The inflatable pea will visit several locations throughout Brno over the next two weeks, to bring attention to “Mendel Je” (July 17 – 19, 2020), a festival dedicated to Gregor Johann Mendel, the world-famous father of genetics, who was born 200 years ago.

On Friday afternoon the pea made its first move, from Moravské náměstí to Špilberk Castle, and will continue its tour of several other landmark locations around Brno.

The pea is made of PVC, so people can jump and bounce on it.

Spot the pea at these locations:
- July 3 – Moravské náměstí (by the statue of Jošt)
- July 3-6 – Špilberk Castle
- July 7 – Church of St. Michal
- July 8-10 – Masaryk University Campus in Bohunice
- July 15 – Mahen Theater
- July 17-19 – Mendlovo náměstí

*The article was corrected, Mendel was born in Hyncice.