The new sports and recreation area, opened on Tuesday this week, is in the Hněvkovského neighborhood of the Brno-South District, in front of the municipal baseball stadium. Photo credit: MMB.
Brno, Jun 26 (BD) – Disabled citizens who live active lives and like to exercise in the fresh air have a new workout area at their disposal, in front of the municipal baseball stadium in the Hněvkovského neighborhood of the Brno-South District. The new sports area was opened this Tuesday, June 23.
This is the second such facility in Brno; the first, in the Hroch area, opened one year ago. The idea was inspired by the first specialised area in the Czech Republic for disabled athletes to train, in Hluboká nad Vltavou. A nearby car park has plenty of parking spaces reserved for the disabled.

First Deputy Mayor Petr Hladík (KDU-CSL) explained the genesis of the project: “Through the Health Department, we organized a survey among disabled athletes asking where they most miss a place for sports. It turned out that the location in the Hněvkovského area was the most suitable. The city then asked for cooperation from the Brno-South District, which undertook the project.”
The total cost of the new facility was CZK 1.23 million, of which the city contributed CZK 1.2 million, with the remainder paid by the Brno-South District. The contractor for the project was Flora Servis. Jaroslav Suchý (KDU-CSL), City Council Member for Sport, paid tribute to the representatives of the city district for their effective collaboration on the project.