Thirteen people were forced to evacuate their homes at around 2:30am on Sunday morning due to a fire in an apartment on Božetěchova in Králové Pole, Brno. The damage is estimated at CZK 600,000. Photo credit: HZS JmK.
Brno, Jun 1 (BD) – “We calculated the damage at CZK 600,000, and we saved assets worth CZK 2 million,” said David Jirouš, spokesman for the South Moravia Fire Department (HZS JMK). “The wood panelling on the balcony was on fire. We brought the fire under control using two water streams. The intervention lasted about an hour,” added Jirouš.

After extinguishing the fire, the firefighters checked the flat with a thermal camera and ventilated smoke from the rooms. According to Jirouš, the fire may have been caused by a faulty electronic device.