Safe and socially distanced fun in the time of coronavirus! Brno saw its first ever drive-in cinema installed at the Brno Exhibition Center (BVV), showing its first film on Tuesday, April 28th. From Tuesday May 12, the drive-in cinema at the Brno Exhibition Center will broadcast films with sound in dubbing and in the original version on two different frequencies. Cars should park two metres from each other, with the audience remaining in their vehicles. Title image: @Brnoautokino via Facebook.
Brno, Apr 28 / updated May 8, 3:15pm / – The “autokino” is a joint project of Kletch CZ s.r.o. and partners Hitrádio City and Brno Trade Fairs (BVV). According to the organizers, the cinema will run for at least a month, and may be extended depending on public demand.
People can vote on what movies they would like to watch in the future using the cinema’s website.
Jakub Klečka from KLETCH CZ s.r.o. told Brno Daily that “from Tuesday May 12, the drive-in cinema at the Brno Exhibition Center will broadcast films with sound in dubbing and in the original version on two different frequencies. Information about the frequencies will be displayed on the screen when you arrive at the cinema. The first film screened in dual versions will be Jumanji: The Next Level on Tuesday.”

The capacity is over 100 cars. The organizers will help with parking on site. The distance between the cars will be two metres, and people should not leave their vehicles. The toilets must remain closed for hygiene reasons.
Tickets are on sale online for CZK 300 per car, and are selling like hot cakes, with only a few dozen left for the program that has been announced so far.