The City of Brno is urging citizens to avoid attending municipal offices wherever possible, and has issued guidance clarifying alternatives to in-person service. Title photo: New Town Hall in Brno / Credit: KK / Brno Daily.
Brno, Apr 8 (BD) – Most of Brno’s municipal offices are still open on Monday and Wednesday mornings between 8am and 11am, the maximum time permitted. However, the city council is calling on all citizens to avoid visiting the offices in person wherever possible, to minimize the risk to staff and also to prevent crowds during limited and potentially busy opening hours. To help, the council has issued guidance on alternatives, as well as safety procedures for those face-to-face meetings that cannot take place otherwise.
“We are again asking citizens to reconsider whether they have to travel to municipal offices,” said Mayor of Brno Markéta Vaňková. “Thank you for taking account of your health and the health of your loved ones, and also for helping to protect our employees, who are working in difficult conditions and at increased risk of infection.”

Her words were echoed by Pavel Loutocký, Secretary of Brno City Hall: “We urge citizens to respect the government regulations and limit their trips and contact with others to the minimum necessary.” He mentioned several safety measures that municipal facilities are taking, including moving service points nearer to entrances and application of long-lasting disinfectants, adding: “Despite all the measures, it is, of course, desirable for citizens to come here as little as possible.”
Can I postpone?
The key guideline is to call or email ahead, to find out for sure whether your trip – with all the social contacts it will involve – is necessary. Some administrative tasks can be postponed; any passports, driving licenses or citizen ID cards expiring after March 1st will be valid for the duration of the state of emergency, and various other non-essential civic administrative tasks can also be postponed until later. The Immigration Office is another facility that has severely restricted its available services, so check before you make your trip.
Can I do it online?
Other municipal services can be carried out online. The municipal waste fee, which is an obligation for anyone resident in the city, must be paid online (by bank transfer or via the Brno ID website) or by post, as the cash desks for this purpose on Šumavská are closed. The fee is CZK 670 per person and is due by the end of May. More information in English can be found here (.docx download). The Brno ID website also allows residents to manage various other municipal matters from the comfort of their own home.
I have to go in person. What should I do?
When you have established that you have to go to the office in person, some offices have new procedures in place. If you need to go to the Traffic Administration Office (ODSČ), and it cannot be postponed, you must book an appointment first, otherwise you will not be able to speak to anyone. This measure is designed to space out visitors and prevent crowds at the office at Kounicova 67. Other offices will continue to operate without appointment systems, from 8-11am on Mondays and Wednesdays.

For complete information about office hours and restrictions at individual municipal offices, see Before making a personal visit, remember to make a phone call to check whether it is necessary, and that your business cannot be resolved otherwise.