Some motorists have apparently misinterpreted the general recommendation issued by the authorities for police officers to limit contact with the public. “More often than ever, we are finding ‘racers’ on the empty Moravian roads,” said Pavel Svab, spokesman for the South Moravian Police Department. Photo credit: Policie CR.
Brno, Apr 3 (BD) – “And this is precisely why we must remind them that the traffic police have certainly not taken a break from working. Moreover, we will not allow driving in Brno to become like the wild west,” said Svab. Roads have emptied across the whole country with the current emergency measures and quarantine.

Brno Police reported the record case of a speeding vehicle travelling in Brno at an unbelievable 188 km/h. The driver now faces a fine of up to CZK 10,000 and a ban on driving for up to a year.